Rhythmic Designs
Rhythmic Designs - Left Flam Triplet Lesson
Rhythmic Designs - "Unsettled" song analysis
Rhythmic Designs - "Sometime" song analysis

Rhythmic Designs (Book & DVD package) has nineteen very highly detailed transcriptions by Terry Branam of the drum tracks from my recent albums with 05Ric "Drop" and "Circles". Along with the 204-page book there's a double-sided companion DVD shot in my studio featuring 2 hours 45 minutes of video packed with demonstrations and discussions of the drum parts, set-ups, tuning and recording process - six minus-drums, play-along tracks. Plus an extra bonus track with bonus transcription.
This package expands on the concepts covered in my previously published books "Rhythmic Illusions", "Rhythmic Perspectives" books and DVDs "Rhythmic Visions and Rhythmic Horizons" by offering detailed analysis of the practical application of the concepts and methods in those books and DVDs.